Supporting Seagrass – How Boat Users Can Help

Seagrass meadows are an important coastal ecosystem. However they can be heavily impacted by recreational boat users, especially when anchoring and mooring their vessels. Lots of work is being undertaken to protect and re-establish seagrass, and a new initiative – funded by the EU Life Programme – is helping support project work in this area.

As part of the LIFE Remedies Seagrass Project The Green Blue are holding a short series of Anchoring and Mooring best practice webinars. Each of the webinars will cover the value of seagrass and the importance of careful anchoring for recreational boat users. Speakers from partner organisations in the project will also be sharing local knowledge on project specific sites. The webinar for the Solent takes place on 7 March 2023 and will explore the importance of seabed habitats such as seagrass, why they are under threat and how the boating community can play an important role in helping to restore and protect these habitats for the future health of people and nature. The webinar will cover:

• An introduction to the LIFE Recreation ReMEDIES Project

• Why protected marine habitats like seagrass and maerl are important

• The threats to these marine habitats

• How the recreational boating community can help to minimise impacts on these seabed habitats through anchoring, landing & launching best practice and the use of Advanced eco-Mooring Systems (AMS)

• Local ReMEDIES Project work

There will also be an opportunity for Q&A.

Download a free copy of The Green Guide to Anchoring and Moorings.