Two people have recently been prosecuted in court for contravening the Chichester Harbour Byelaws, which exist to protect the safety of all harbour users.
On 5th August 2024, local restaurateur, Mr Tim Vaughan was found guilty of navigating motor vessel Bruiser V at excessive speeds in Chichester Harbour. Mr Vaughan who pleaded guilty by post had already previously been convicted for exceeding the harbour speed limit on several occasions. On this occasion motor vessel Bruiser V was tracked by the Harbour Patrol Team travelling at three times the harbour speed Limit.
Commenting on the case, Captain Cox Harbourmaster for the Chichester Harbour Conservancy, said
“Harbour Authorities have responsibilities in relation to the safety of vessels and people within the harbour. We rely upon all harbour users to abide by the Harbour Byelaws in order to protect the safety of all. It is extremely concerning that some vessel owners repeatedly fail to abide by the Harbour Bylaws. Successful prosecutions provide a strong message that this type of incident will not be tolerated.”

On April 4th 2024 , Mr Malcolm Oliver of Chichester, was found guilty of failing to navigate his vessel with care and caution and in a manner to cause annoyance to the occupants of any other vessel or to cause damage or danger, contravening Chichester Harbour Byelaw 4.Mr Oliver had been previously convicted for failing to abide by Harbour Byelaws.
The court heard how on 26th November 2023 Mr Oliver navigated his motor boat Molly 3, through Itchenor Reach close to yachts and moored vessels causing yachts to heave and roll in a dangerous manner. The wash created by Molly 3 caused significant disturbance to vessels moored on the Itchenor visitors pontoon resulting in minor damage.
Mr Oliver’s actions were reported to the Chichester Harbour patrol by a member of the public who supplied video evidence of Mr Oliver’s violation of harbour Byelaws.
Captain Cox added, “We are extremely grateful to members of the public who report incidents of danger or disruptive navigation and I encourage anyone who witnesses such an incident to report it to our Harbour Patrol Team.”
Mr Tim Vaughan was given a maximum fine by the court on 5th August 2024 of £1,000 and ordered to pay £666.44 costs.
Mr Oliver was proven guilty in his absence at Crawley Magistrates Court on 4th April 2024 and fined £660, ordered to pay costs of £882.30 and a victim surcharge of £264 totalling £1806.30.
A full list of Chichester Harbour Conservancy Byelaws together with other valuable information for harbour users can be found here: