Berthing and Launching

Information about visiting, launching and staying in Chichester Harbour

Visitor short stay and overnight moorings and berths are available at Itchenor and Emsworth. There are also three dedicated places to anchor in Chichester Harbour, safely and without disturbing important habitats. Please browse the links below to learn more about where to moor, berth or anchor your vessel.

Book your stay by contacting the harbour office on 01243 512301 or contact ‘Chichester Harbour Patrol’ or ‘Chichester Harbour Radio’ on VHF channel 14.

Visitor Charges

Harbour dues are payable by all vessels entering, using or leaving Chichester Harbour, marinas or waters adjacent to the Harbour, from which the vessel can be navigated into, according to the scales set out (except vessels which, in the opinion of the Harbour Master, have been compelled by stress of weather to seek shelter in the Harbour and which do not remain in the Harbour for longer than 60 hours nor land nor embark passengers). Vessel owners are reminded of their statutory obligation to report their arrival within 24 hours and pay dues at the Harbour Office at Itchenor or Emsworth.

To pay harbour dues, please contact ‘Chichester Harbour Patrol’ or ‘Chichester Harbour Radio’ on VHF channel 14, call the Harbour Office on 01243 512301 or visit the Harbour Offices in Itchenor or Emsworth.

Except for the pontoons, where contact details must be left with the Harbour Office, vessels may not be left unmanned overnight on visitor moorings. We do not allow the reservation of spaces for visiting vessels; all moorings and berths are allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. Please contact ‘Chichester Harbour Patrol’ or ‘Chichester Harbour Radio’ on VHF channel 14 for further information.

If you arriving from outside of the the UK, please check the UK/EU Entry and Exit Formalities.


Visiting vessels can also be accommodated at Sparkes Marina, Northney Marina, Chichester Marina, Emsworth Yacht Harbour and Hayling Yacht Company.

Dinghy Chains

There are Dinghy Chains located around the harbour, where tenders can be secured. These chain facilities are not for the long term storage of vessels however, and are only for the use of mooring holders as a means to store a tender that is used to access a vessel on a mooring.

Dinghy Chains can be found at:

  • Itchenor (Hard)
  • Itchenor (Westlands)
  • Dell Quay
  • Bosham
  • Prinsted
  • Thornham
  • Emsworth (South Street)
  • Emsworth (Nore Barn).


Fuel and packaged lubricants may be obtained at Chichester Yacht Basin, Birdham Pool, Northney Marina, Sparkes Marina, Emsworth Yacht Harbour and some garages and chandlers at Emsworth.

Launching Sites for Paddlesports

There are various launching sites around Chichester Harbour, although at many of these it is only possible to launch at high tide:

  • Itchenor – Full tide access, pay and display car park
  • Bosham Quay – Full tide access except at LWS, pay and display car park, launching fees payable
  • Emsworth – High tide access only, pay and display car parks
  • Dell Quay – High tide access only, limited parking
  • Prinsted – High tide access only, limited parking
  • Nore Barn – High tide access, no parking
  • Langstone Bridge – High tide access only, private pub car park


Sailors should be aware of the strong tides in the Harbour entrance. The flood tide may run at 2.8 knots and the ebb tide at a rate of 6.4 knots at Springs, which can be dangerous for the inexperienced. Tide times for the next seven days.


Facilities for yachtsmen’s landed waste are provided at all main landing points around the Harbour. Many provide facilities to dispose of glass, paper, card, plastic bottles, tins and oil. We strongly encourage yachtsmen to separate their waste and make full use of the recycling facilities. A free pump-out station can be found at Itchenor jetty.  

Pump Out Facilities

There are pump out facilities at:

  • Itchenor Jetty (free to use).
  • Thornham Marina (mobile unit).
  • Emsworth Yacht Harbour (mobile unit).
  • Premier Marinas, Chichester (for berth holders).

Water Quality

Details of the water quality in Chichester Harbour, and the latest sampling results can be found here.