About Us

Chichester Harbour Conservancy

A unique organisation managing land and water

Chichester Harbour Conservancy is the statutory authority with responsibility for managing the harbour and its surrounding areas. Our focus is on the protection and restoration of nature as well as recreation and leisure. The harbour is the only National Landscape in the UK that is managed by a harbour authority.

Managing the harbour

Chichester Harbour Conservancy was established by the Chichester Harbour Conservancy Act 1971. Our duty is the conservancy, maintenance and improvement of the Harbour and the Amenity Area for recreation and leisure, nature conservation and natural beauty. We are the statutory Harbour Authority, responsible for the safety of navigation, the regulation of moorings, works and dredging, enforcement of harbour byelaws and the collection of dues and charges.

Managing the National Landscape

Chichester Harbour Conservancy is responsible for managing Chichester Harbour National Landscape (Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty) that was designated in 1964. 

All designated Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONBs), including Chichester Harbour have became National Landscapes. The new name reflects our national importance: the vital contribution we make to protect the nation from the threats of climate change, nature depletion and the wellbeing crisis.

Chichester Harbour is one of 38 National Landscapes covering 14% of the land area of England and 5% of the land area of Wales.

We manage the National Landscape on behalf of the four constituent local authorities, West Sussex County Council, Hampshire County Council, Chichester District Council and Havant Borough Council.  As the Joint Advisory Committee, CHC is consulted on planning policies and planning applications affecting the area.

Chichester Harbour Conservancy works with landowners and other stakeholders in matters such as nature conservation, biodiversity, public access and landscape improvements. We undertake projects to conserve and enhance the area’s natural beauty while helping visitors to learn about and value this special place.

We have set out our vision to 2050 supported by our Chichester Harbour Management Plan.