Private Moorings

If you are looking for a cheaper alternative to a maintained mooring, you may want to consider a private mooring. Private mooring site licences are issued by Chichester Harbour Conservancy. These sites can be considerably cheaper than a maintained mooring, because the mooring hirer is responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the mooring tackle. The prices quoted below are for the 2024/25 season:

Private moorings are split into two categories; either a site licence on land controlled by Chichester Harbour Conservancy or a site licence on private land. Moorings can be obtained through the Harbour Office by completing the Private Mooring Transfer Application Form below. The licensees signature on this form records agreement to the Terms and Conditions of the site licence – links to the Terms can be found at the bottom of this page.

Please note that all vessels on moorings and berths within Chichester Harbour are subject to Harbour Dues and must obtain insurance against Third Party claims for at least the minimum sum recommended by leading marine insurers.