All vessels using the harbour, including those berthed in marinas and boatyards have a statutory obligation to pay harbour dues. The revenue derived from these dues, and from mooring fees, is used by the Chichester Harbour Conservancy to meet the cost of managing the Harbour.
Harbour Byelaws
● 8 Knot Speed Limit (Byelaw 5, Speed of Vessels)
● Mind Your Wash (Byelaw 4, Vessels to be navigated with care and caution)
● Collision Regulations are in force (Byelaw 10, Regulations for preventing collisions)
● Do not water-ski or tow inflatables (Byelaw 24, Water-skiing and aqua-planing)
The full set of Byelaws are available here.
Harbour Office: 01243 512301
VHF: Channel 14 – ’Chichester Harbour Radio’
Local Information
Weather: Real-time wind, weather and tide information can be obtained from
Tides: Tide gauges levelled to Chart Datum have been erected in several strategic locations. In the harbour entrance the flood tide runs at approximately 3 knots and ebbs at a rate of approximately 6 knots during spring tide. These can be dangerous for inexperienced harbour users.
Weekly Navigation Bulletin: Sign up on our website ( for a weekly email bulletin containing racing information, tide times, Chichester Marina lock free-flow times, weather information and more.
NB: Navigation Bulletin only published from 01 April to 31 October.
Recognised Anchorages:
- East Head – South of a line drawn between East Head Spit Buoy & Snowhill Creek Buoy.
- Pilsey Island – Eastern side (Note: Restricted area, no access above MHW line).
- Chichester Channel – South side of channel, east of Chalkdock beacon.
Itchenor Ferry: Contact on VHF Channel 08, available weekends throughout the year (excluding Christmas and New Year) and everyday during peak season.
Pump-Out: A vessel sewage pump-out facility is available at Itchenor.
Showers: Available at Itchenor, tokens are available from the Harbour Patrol and the Harbour Office – £2.00 per token.
Launching from Itchenor Hard: Fees are applicable for the use of a trailer or trolley to launch.
- Annual: £75.00
- Weekly: £22.00
- Daily: £8.00
Marinas: Commercial marinas have visitor berths and should be contacted on VHF Channel 80.
Visitor Moorings, Itchenor: 6 visitor buoys each taking 6 vessels (dependant on LOA) are available. A visitors pontoon is also available for longer stays.
Visitor Moorings, Emsworth: A small visitors pontoon is available.
The current Harbour Dues can be found by clicking here:
To obtain your Harbour Dues please contact the Harbour Office on 01243 512301 (Itchenor) or 01243 376422 (Emsworth)
Alternatively, please complete this form (this is only required for annual harbour dues):