As part of their responsibilities under the Port Marine Safety Code, ‘Harbour Authorities should ensure that workboats used in their harbours are “fit for purpose” for any use to which they are involved with’.
Chichester Harbour Conservancy operates a registration scheme for all workboats and small commercially operated craft, including fishing vessels, within the Chichester Harbour area of jurisdiction. All operators are requested to participate by submitting a completed registration form for each of their vessels operating within these areas.
An annual review will be conducted with the owner/operators of all registered craft to check their coded status and commercial activities. This may take the form of a compliance visit or a documentation request. Chichester Harbour Conservancy reserve the right to visit any vessel operating within the port area.

Completed registration forms should be emailed to, or posted to the Harbour Office:
Chichester Harbour Conservancy
The Harbour Office, The Street
Itchenor, Chichester
West Sussex
PO20 7AW
Any vessel that is currently licenced by Chichester Harbour Conservancy need not take part in this process.