LNTM No.13 0f 24

Hovercraft Survey

Chichester Harbour Protection & Recovery of Nature -Seagrass survey

  1. Mariners are advised that Ecospan Environmental Limited will be carrying out a survey on behalf of CHaPRoN to map seagrass beds across the harbour.
  2. The survey is being undertaken from a 5-metre hovercraft and will cover all parts of the harbour.  Due to the operating constraints of the hovercraft it will on occasions exceed the 8-knot speed limit.
  3. The surveys will be undertaken between 3rd and 5th September inclusive. Operations will take place between 3- hours before and up to 3-hours after low water.
  4. Cancel LNTM 14/2024 7th September 24

Jo Cox

Harbour Master

27 August 2024