LNTM No. 11 of 2024

Deployment of monitoring equipment

  1. Mariners are advised that underwater monitoring equipment marked by sets of 3 yellow unlit buoys has been deployed to the SE of Stakes Island and the Western side of the Emsworth Channel.
  2. SE Stakes Island Positions – west of Roman Transit Port Lateral Mark:
    a. 50° 48.627N 000° 53.159W
    b. 50° 48.626N 000° 53.139W
    c. 50° 48.628N 000° 53.113W
  3. Western side Emsworth Channel – north of Verner Port Lateral Mark
    a. 50° 48.306N 000° 56.679W
    b. 50° 48.282N 000° 56.671W
    c. 50° 48.247N 000° 56.663W
  4. The yellow buoys form part of a nature recovery project within Chichester Harbour as part of the Solent Seascape Project– further information about the equipment can be found here.
  5. Mariners are advised to keep clear of the buoys.
  6. This notice shall remain in force until further notice.
    Jo Cox
    Harbour Master
    16 July 2024