LNTM No. 03 of 2025

Oil Spill Emergency Exercise

MARINERS ARE ADVISED that Chichester and Langstone Harbours will be conducting a joint oil spill emergency exercise on Wednesday 26th Feb 2025, between 0830 and 1300.

As part of our emergency planning, and commitment to environmental protection, we will be exercising our response to an oil spill pollution incident effecting both harbours, alongside staff from Langstone Harbour Board and our oil spill response contractor Adler and Alan.

The incident will be centred around the Hayling Island road bridge and at the Langstone Sailing Club.    Disruption will be kept to a minimum, but due to the deployment of booms from slipways in the area, transit between Langstone Harbour and Chichester Harbour via the Hayling Billy line/Hayling Island road bridge may not always be possible.

This Local notice is published in conjunction with Langstone Harbour Board. See also Langstone LNtM 02 of 2025.

Cancel this Local Notice on completion of the exercise, expected no later than 1500, Wednesday 26th Feb 2025.

Captain Jo Cox
Harbour Master

25th February 2025