
Cycling is a great way to explore Chichester Harbour. As well as being a good form of exercise, cycling has lots of benefits for the environment too. The Harbour has a range of dedicated cycle paths and bridleways which are all suitable for those on two wheels, and offer stunning sights along the way.

If you get into trouble then a Cyclepods Repair XL kit can be found at the front of the Harbour Office at Itchenor to help carry out basic repairs such as repairing a puncture to adjusting brakes and gears.

If you are using a bike in Chichester Harbour please don’t cycle on public footpaths. 

The past few years has seen a rise in cyclists using waterside footpaths which are designed for walkers only. Cycling on these footpaths is causing damage which is difficult and costly to repair so please stick to roads, cycle paths or bridleways.

The Salterns Way cycle route

The Salterns Way is a 12 mile cycle route from the centre of Chichester to the sand dunes of East Head. Some of the route is on dedicated cycle paths and other sections follow country lanes and some roads.

The Salterns Way is managed by the Conservancy and cycling is only possible because of the generosity of the landowners along the route.  Please respect their land and follow a few simple rules:

  • Observe Salterns Way signage along the route
  • Follow the designated cycle path and roads don’t stray onto nearby footpaths or field margins
  • Use the gates provided and close them after you
  • Take extra care on the roads along the route as they can sometimes be busy

Download the route using the thumbnail to the right.

Chichester Harbour Conservancy does not accept responsibility for any loss, damage or injury arising from use of the Salterns Way cycle route.

Other suggested routes

Rides on the Manhood Peninsula

These cycle routes are mainly on minor roads or traffic free and give access to Chichester and Pagham Harbours and the new nature reserve created as part of the Medmerry Managed Realignment Scheme between Bracklesham and Selsey.

View or download the Manhood Peninsula Circular Cycle Tours leaflet

Cycling in Hampshire and West Sussex

The counties of Hampshire and West Sussex offer some great cycling opportunities.  Plan your next route by visiting Cycling in Hampshire or Cycling in West Sussex.