Footpath 3059, at Fishbourne, suffered damage as a result of Storm Eunice in February 2022, and has since been temporarily closed for safety reasons. With coastal change very much in mind, and the need for more sustainable management solutions, careful consideration on how best to manage the area for the future is required. This includes opportunity for increasing coastal resilience, habitat creation and environmental enhancement, access and recreational value, as well as considering risks to key infrastructure and other constraints.
After discussions at the Conservancy and a site meeting with Fishbourne Parish Council, a specification for an independent feasibility study was devised by the CHaPRoN partnership, and the contract advertised. Royal Haskoning DHV were appointed by the Conservancy to prepare and publish this study, with the report due for submission on 31 March 2023. The recommendations and proposed next steps will be shared here on our website, and as part of a public meeting, the details of which are to be confirmed.
In the meantime, a new boardwalk has been installed along Footpath 555, to help improve access during the winter. The work was funded through Chichester District Council, the Friends of Chichester Harbour, and in-kind time from Chichester Harbour Conservancy.
The intention, wherever possible, is to work with nature and maintain Chichester Harbour as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) for generations to come.
The full briefing note is available here: