Role and Responsibilities

AONB | Statutory Harbour Authority | CHaPRoN | Members | Funding

Chichester Harbour National Landscape is designated an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and is managed by Chichester Harbour Conservancy. We are the only Statutory Harbour Authority with responsibility for managing a National Landscape.

In November 2023 all designated Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONBs), including Chichester Harbour became National Landscapes. The new name reflects our national importance: the vital contribution we make to protect the nation from the threats of climate change, nature depletion and the wellbeing crisis.

Chichester Harbour was designated as an AONB in 1964 and is one of 38 National Landscapes covering 14% of the land area of England and 5% of the land area of Wales.

The Conservancy is bound by the duties and powers set out in the Chichester Harbour Conservancy Act 1971, to conserve, maintain and improve the harbour, for nature, natural beauty and leisure and recreation both on the water and the land.

How we do this is set out in our five year Management Plan.

Chichester Harbour National Landscape

The Chichester Harbour Conservancy acts as the Joint Advisory Committee for the Chichester Harbour National Landscape. We manage the NL on behalf of the four constituent local authorities, West Sussex County Council, Hampshire County Council, Chichester District Council and Havant Borough Council. As the Joint Advisory Committee, CHC is consulted on planning policies and planning applications affecting the area. Chichester Harbour is a member of the National Landscapes Association.

Statutory Harbour Authority

As the Statutory Harbour Authority CHC is bound by a range of harbour and shipping legislation which is detailed in our Marine Safety Management System and Safety Plan. Chichester Harbour Conservancy adheres to the Port Marine Safety Code, a nationally agreed set of standards for ports and harbours.

Chichester Harbour Marine Safety Management System and Safety Plan

Chichester Harbour Protection and Recovery of Nature (CHaPRoN)

Chichester Harbour Conservancy is the lead partner in Chichester Harbour Protection and Recovery of Nature (CHaPRoN), a long-term partnership initiative to help respond to the increasing pressures on Chichester Harbour. CHaPRoN’s key objective is to protect, enhance and drive recovery of the natural environment within Chichester Harbour National Landscape and help create a landscape more resilient to climate change.

CHaPRoN Logo

The Members of the Conservancy

Chichester Harbour Conservancy consists of 15 members appointed by West Sussex and Hampshire County Councils, Chichester District and Havant Borough Councils and the Conservancy’s Advisory Committee. The Advisory Committee includes representatives of Harbour and National Landscape users, such as sailing, fishing, nature conservation, residents, farmers and commercial interests. CHC must consult the Advisory Committee on the management of the Harbour and the NL.


Chichester Harbour Conservancy’s income is from four main sources:

  • Harbour dues – which are paid by all craft using the Harbour.
  • Mooring charges – which are paid by those who hire Conservancy moorings or mooring sites.
  • A contribution from the two County Councils.
  • Gifts and grants – bodies such the Friends of Chichester Harbour give grants for specific projects.  Defra currently funds the core National Landscape staff and some associated projects.

How funds are spent

Harbour Dues paid by vessel owners meet the cost of running the harbour, maintaining the navigation marks, controlling works and dredging and enforcing the byelaws. Mooring charges meet the cost of maintaining and administering CHC moorings and mooring sites and contribute to the cost of running the harbour. Other income funds environmental work such as tree planting, recording and surveying wildlife, footpath maintenance, information, leaflets and communications about the area and delivering the Education Centre services.