Chichester Harbour Conservancy is bound by the duties and powers set out in the Chichester Harbour Conservancy Act 1971. We are responsible for:
- The safety of navigation, the regulation of moorings, works and dredging, enforcement of harbour byelaws and the collection of dues and charges, in our role as the statutory Harbour Authority.
- The conservancy, maintenance and improvement of the harbour and the National Landscape amenity area for recreation and leisure, nature conservation and natural beauty.
Our Vision to 2050
Chichester Harbour Conservancy (CHC) is viewed internationally as an exemplar of active and effective conservation of the National Landscape (NL), whilst delivering safe and efficient port management.
Habitat decline has been reversed with biodiversity and the natural beauty of the harbour protected, all achieved through its leadership, education effort and a high degree of public awareness, community participation and support.
A Net Zero organisation, CHC is admired for its inclusive approach, is on a sustainable financial footing with a contented, empowered workforce, ready for the challenges of the second half of the Century.
How we do this is set out in our five year Management Plan
Our Values
We are passionate about Chichester Harbour and committed to achieving our goals
We respect and care for our staff, volunteers, partnerships, the environment and wildlife
We strive to use resources in the most sustainable way we can
We are knowledgeable but always learning, and we collaborate with others and share our expertise