Quotes, Tenders & Contracts

Chichester Harbour Conservancy and its partners, work with consultants and contractors on both consultancy and capital projects. Suppliers are invited to tender for current projects as listed below.

To comply with The Health and Safety at work Act 1974 and the Management of Health and Safety at Work regulations 1999, the Conservancy need to do the necessary checks on contractors to ensure they are taking reasonable care for their own safety, and for that of all other persons who may be affected by their acts or omissions.

For a contractor to be considered for work, they must provide:

  • Evidence of Public Liability Insurance
  • A Health & Safety Policy
  • A Risk Assessment for the work they are bidding for
  • A Method Statement for the work they are bidding for

In addition, Chichester Harbour Conservancy may also ask for:

  • An Environmental and Sustainability Policy
  • An Accident History List
  • References

CHC may also check for any prohibition notices with the HSE.

Advice is available on the HSE website for Control of Contractors. If, for instance, your company does not yet have a Health & Safety Policy, we would encourage to use this as a prompt to prepare one since it is best practice.

Itchenor Jetty Jan 2024

Current Opportunities

Itchenor Shower and Toilet Facilities – closing date for submissions 7th March 2025 (noon)

Appointment Process

For tenders, the Conservancy will score the responses received using the criteria as detailed on the specification. Unless there is an overriding concern, the consultant/contractor with the highest score will be offered the contract.