
Chichester Harbour offers a number of facilities for sailors and visitors. Details of anchorages, public jetties, launching information, weather and tides is available below.

Information for Mariners

This annual publication contains tide times, navigation guidance, information about our facilities and more. As well as the online version, you can find printed copies in locations all around the harbour.


  • West of Fairway Buoy on the southern side of the channel
  • East of Pilsey Island (this is a restricted area – no picnicking above the MHW line)
  • North of East Head (swimming can be dangerous because of the strong tide) – do not anchor in the main channel which is very crowded at weekends

When at anchor vessels must display a black ball during the day and an anchor light at night. Anchoring is prohibited in or near mooring areas or in the vicinity of navigation and racing marks. Vessels are not to anchor in the centre of channels and are to exhibit a black ball or white light. Vessels are not to be left unmanned at anchor for periods of more than four hours (Byelaw No. 12)(LNTM 4/00).

Car Park – Itchenor

There is a pay and display car park at Itchenor where trailers can be left and long stay is permitted.  For information and charges please see the car parking information.

Dinghy Chains

There are Dinghy Chains located around the harbour, where tenders can be secured. These chain facilities are not for the long term storage of vessels however, and are only for the use of mooring holders as a means to store a tender that is used to access a vessel on a mooring.

Dinghy Chains can be found at:

  • Itchenor (Hard)
  • Itchenor (Westlands)
  • Dell Quay
  • Bosham
  • Prinsted
  • Thornham
  • Emsworth (South Street)
  • Emsworth (Nore Barn).

Emsworth Water Taxi

During the sailing season, a Water Taxi operates in Emsworth, running from the T-head jetty on the millpond wall, out to the Emsworth area moorings and the visitor pontoon. This service is free for all Conservancy maintained moorings holders that hire a mooring in the Emsworth area. For private mooring holders and visitors, a fee of £2 per person per trip is payable. Contact ‘EMSWORTH WATER TAXI’ on VHF 14, or by calling 07864 915247.


Fuel and packaged lubricants may be obtained at Chichester Yacht Basin, Birdham Pool, Northney Marina, Sparkes Marina, Emsworth Yacht Harbour and some garages and chandlers at Emsworth.

Itchenor Ferry

The Itchenor Ferry is runs throughout the year. You can contact the ferry on VHF 08 or by calling 07970 378350. Please click here for the schedule.


Emsworth Jetty is available for 3.5 hours each side of high water, neap tides (assuming 1.0m draught). Waiting is restricted to 2 hours.

Itchenor Jetty is available at all states of the tide with a depth of approximately 2m at mean low water springs. Fresh water is available along with a free pump-out station. Waiting is limited to 20 minutes only because of congestion and maintaining access for the emergency services. Please note that water from the jetties is not to be used for washing vessels. An overstay penalty of £30+VAT per hour, or part thereof, is payable by vessels exceeding the jetty waiting limits.

Launch Sites

Vessels can be launched at the Conservancy slipways at Itchenor at any state of tide (charges apply) or at the bottom of South Street in Emsworth at high water (no charge). For launching at a marina or boatyard, please contact the premises directly.

Maintenance Piles

Maintenance Piles are available at Itchenor and Emsworth. These should be booked through the Harbour Office, Itchenor at a cost of £22.00 per workable low tide.


Three showers for yachtsmen have been installed at the Harbour Office, Itchenor. Tokens for their use are available from the Harbour Office, the patrol staff or the Itchenor ferry.


Sailors should be aware of the strong tides in the Harbour entrance. The flood tide may run at 2.8 knots and the ebb tide at a rate of 6.4 knots at Springs, which can be dangerous for the inexperienced. Tide times for the next seven days.

Visitor Moorings

For visitors moorings, please see the information on the Visiting Vessels page.


Detailed local weather information on the area ‘Chichester Harbour and Eastern Solent’ is displayed at the Harbour Offices at Itchenor and Emsworth.

Changes to the Shipping Forecast

The Maritime and Coastguard Agency, who are responsible for broadcasting UK maritime safety information, have announced that the UK marine weather service (Shipping Forecast) will change for the foreseeable future.

BBC Radio Four bulletins will be broadcast as follows:

  • 00:48 LW, FM Gale Warnings, Shipping Forecast, weather reports from coastal stations and the Inshore Waters Forecast
  • 05:33 LW, FM Gale Warnings, Shipping Forecast, weather reports from coastal stations and the Inshore Waters Forecast
  • 12:00 (weekdays only) LW, FM Gale Warnings, Shipping Forecast
  • 18:00 (weekends only) LW, FM Gale Warnings, Shipping Forecast

Real time wind, wave and temperature is available from weather stations in and near Chichester Harbour. This information is also displayed outside the Harbour Office at Itchenor.


Facilities for yachtsmen’s landed waste are provided at all main landing points around the Harbour. Many provide facilities to dispose of glass, paper, card, plastic bottles, tins and oil. We strongly encourage yachtsmen to separate their waste and make full use of the recycling facilities. A free pump-out station can be found at Itchenor public jetty.  

Pump Out Facilities

There are pump out facilities at:

  • Itchenor Public Jetty (free to use).
  • Thornham Marina (mobile unit).
  • Emsworth Yacht Harbour (mobile unit).
  • Premier Marinas, Chichester (for berth holders).

Water Quality

Details of the water quality in Chichester Harbour, and the latest sampling results can be found here.