There are three core aims to our strategy:
- Reduce the pressures on the natural environment to enable habitats to naturally regenerate
- Restore habitats through active interventions and give nature a helping hand to recover
- Realise the benefits society gains from the natural environment by quantifying and determining their economic value
Our vision and strategic aims are ambitious; we can only achieve them by working in partnership.
This includes collaborating with communities, businesses, landowners, farmers, public bodies, academia, industry and NGOs to share best practice, trial new ideas and delivery models, and advance objectives together.
A key element is to identify and acknowledge the causes of habitat decline. This will include acquiring necessary data or evidence, collaborating with universities or commissioning new research to increase our understanding of the causes and their impact on the natural environment.
We need to take an integrated and holistic approach to nature recovery, including coastal and flood management strategies, water quality management and Harbour management practices to enable self-sustaining and resilient ecosystems to evolve for the future and ensure our natural assets are protected.
We must work with natural processes, identify innovative and sustainable mechanisms and trial new solutions to protect, restore and create habitats that are resilient to future climatic and anthropogenic pressures.
It is essential that we connect people with nature in the Harbour, raising awareness and appreciation of our natural assets, their value and importance for the future of society.
We need to seek synergies between partner projects and policies, to streamline processes that support nature recovery and identify opportunities for funding to deliver CHaPRoN improvements and better outcomes for all.